This group is coordinating all the user groups in the High Lakes area to keep our backyard open, clean and safe This is where you will find the latest information on the area, including any temporary closures.
Northern California Regional Land Trust
The organization holding the the conservation easement on the PG&E lands.
Philbrook Webcam
Someday... the technology is there, its just a matter of money.
Here is the 1-2-3 on getting your ham radio license. Much easier now without the Morse code requirement and online practice tests. And you get to study every question from the pool and they pick 35 to put on the test.
The organization responsible for recommending PG&E retain title to the lands on the east end of the reservior (cabins), and for choosing the conservation easement holder. The campground and Day Use areas, while operated by PG&E, are on public land managed by the Lassen National Forest.
Cabin Owners Agreement - Sample
This sample agreement from the National Forest Homeowners seems to cover many common issues that arise as cabins get passed down through the generations.